miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

The Mousetrap Car Physics Analysis Report

The Mousetrap Car Physics Analysis Report
*Answer the following questions completely (include formulas and/or calculations where appropriate). Your answers must be typed a minimum of 300 words.

1. What are the two types of friction that affect the performance of your vehicle?

2. What problems related to friction did you encounter and how did you solve them?

3. What factors did you take into account to decide the number of wheels you chose in your design?

4. What kind of wheels did you use in each axle? What is the effect of using large or small wheels?

5. Explain how Newton's first, second and third laws apply to the performance of your vehicle.

6. Discuss the effect of the length of the lever arm in the pulling force of your vehicle.

7. How is the balance of a wheel, around its center, related to the vehicle’s performance?

8. How does the distribution of weight of the vehicle affect the traction of the wheels?

9. Discuss the major problems encountered in the performance of your vehicle and what did you do to solve them.

Note: This must be included in the FINAL REPORT.

Credits: http://www.piketon.k12.oh.us/Downloads/Mousetrap%20Car%20Project2.pdf

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